søn - tor / 10:00-24:00, fre - lør / 10:00 - 02:00 (køkkenet lukker 22:00 alle dage)

Gallery Shortcode

Shortcode Usage

Gallery Based On WP Gallery Shortcode

5 Columns Without Caption

Get the code

[gallery columns="5" link="file" caption="no" thumbnail_size="thumbnail" ids="3910,3909,3901,3898,3900,3899,3897,3914,3913,3916"]

5 Columns With Caption

Get the code

[gallery columns="5" link="file" caption="yes" thumbnail_size="thumbnail" ids="3910,3909,3901,3898,3900,3899,3897,3914,3913,3916"]

Gallery Thumbnail Style

Get the code

[gallery columns="7" link="file" caption="yes" thumbnail_size="thumbnail" type="thumbnail" ids="3910,3909,3901,3898,3900,3899,3897"]